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2021 3rd International Conference on Computer, Software Engineering and Applications

CSEA 2021


CSEA 2021| November 27-29, 2021| Online Conference

2021 3rd International Conference on Computer, Software Engineering and Applications (CSEA 2022)

With much expectation, as the workshop of ICCBD 2021, CSEA 2021 was finally held successfully in virtual form during November 27-29, 2022. Although unpleasant situation prevents us from gathering at beautiful Wuhan, the conference was still activated by the warmness of participants!

On November 28, Conference Chair Prof. Weidong Li and Co-chair  Prof. Zhen Yang made an opening remarks and welcome address respectively. And then, Prof. Chengnian Long gave a committee remarks on behalf of the technical committee.
会议于11月28日上午在线上开幕。会议伊始,大会主席,李卫东教授致开幕辞,代表大 会组委会成员对学者们的出席表示热烈欢迎,北京工业大学杨桢对此次协助单位表示感谢,相信各位专家的精彩报告与讨论将计算机,软件工程领域的前沿研究,加强领域了解、促进合作。接着,大会程序委员会主席上海交通大学龙承念教授致欢迎辞, 对委员会成员的辛勤工作表示感谢,回顾了会议的审核程序,并着重感谢了突出贡献的委员会成员,对大会的召开表示了衷心的祝愿 。

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Group Photo

Prof. Weidong Li, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China Prof. Zhen Yang, Beijing University of Technology, China


Prof. Chengnian Long, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Keynote Speeches  

Prof. Huaiyu Dai, NC State University, USA
IEEE Fellow
Prof. Xianbin Wang, Western University, Canada
IEEE Fellow & Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering

Prof. Chi Liu, Beijing Institute of Technology, China
IET, Fellow of British Computer Society and Chinese Institute of Electronics Fellow
Prof. Xin Wang, Tianjin University, China

Prof. Yongsheng Ma, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Weidong Li, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

On keynote and invited speeches session, Prof. Huaiyu Dai, Prof. Xianbin Wang, Prof. Liu Chi, Prof. Wang Xin, and Prof. Yongsheng Ma etc. delivered excellent speeches.

在11月28日举行的大会报告和受邀报告环节有来自国内外6位专家教授就智能5G通讯,联邦学习进展,大数据驱动的智能制造等方向做了精彩的主题报告。他们分别是戴怀宇教授教授,IEEE Fellow,美国北卡罗来纳州立大学; 王现斌教授,IEEE Fellow, 加拿大工程院院士,加拿大西安大略大学;刘驰教授, IET、英国计算机学会会士、中国电子学会会士, 北京理工大学; 王鑫教授, 天津大学; 马永胜教授, 中国南方科技大学;李卫东教授,上海理工大学。


Invited Speeches  

Assoc. Prof. Wei Wang, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China

Prof. Manuel Mazzara, Innopolis University, Russia

受大会邀请,来自西安交通利物浦大学的王维副教授和来自俄罗斯Innopolis 大学的Manuel Mazzara 教授分别讨论了从智慧城市数据中学习和DevOps 环境中的软件发布异常检测。


Best Presentation Award Winners

Presenter: Arda Akdemir
University of Tokyo, Japan

Presenter: Xinyu Liu
Jiangsu JARI Technology Group Co., Ltd., China

Presenter: William Penaflor Rey
Mapua University, Philippines

Presenter: Eric Blancaflor
Mapua University, Philippines



Presenter: Mary Jane C. Samonte
Mapua University, Philippines


Moreover the conference was composed of 5 technical oral sessions, topics covered, for example, Data Mining, Data Analysis, Modern Information Theory and Intelligent System, Data Calculation, Image Analysis and Processing and so on. Each parallel session went through smoothly and a “Best Presentation” award was issued at the end of sub-conference.

CSEA 2021 吸引了80多位专家学者以及公司代表参与会议讨论,本次会议设置了5个分会场。在为期三天的会议中大家围绕数据挖掘、数据分析、通信与信息工程、物联网关键技术、智能计算与移动计算、图像分析与处理等主题进行了论述,并分享了各自领域的最新研究和经验。

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